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Just your name & zip code can help stop the energy rollbacks 

* CARES respects your privacy and will never sell or share your information with a 3rd party. View our full privacy policy here

Why Your Name & Zip:

Paid lobbyists are the driving force behind the D.O.E.’s proposed rollbacks, but residential customers have as much right to speak out on issues important to them. By collecting names we can show that the public is against the rollback, and leaving your zip code allows us to help push your representative to get involved. Both increase pressure on the DOE to leave the energy-efficiency regulations in place that will help save the environment and help save consumers money. Add your voice now!

The Issue:

For the past 12 years Congress has been phasing out inefficient light bulbs. Then, this year the Dept. of Energy proposed reversing this progress, allowing big business to once again flood the marketplace with outdated light bulbs that would cost consumers millions and harm the environment. Read more here.

The Facts:

Eliminating the 2020 standards for all light bulbs would:

  • Cost each US household more than $100 in lost savings every year.
  • Increase annual climate-change emissions by about 38 million metric tons per year. That’s approximately the same amount as 25 more coal burning power plants or 8 million cars. * Source: The ACEEE
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